True delicacy to your table. High quality liquors and fruits around the world
最短距離で詳しい説明と共にお届けします。 We deliver them through fastest way, and with deepest knowledge.本当に美味しいお酒やフルーツを、
True delicacy to your table.
High quality liquors and fruits around the world
Greeting代表取締役 落合 尚温
We live in the world with abundance of things. Literally, “there is nothing that doesn’t exist.” So as foods. We have easy access to various kinds of food products around the world. However, market principles and distribution systems sometimes fail to allow truly high quality, safe and delicious products to be recognized as they are, consumed as they are, or worse, simply disposed. GIA knows what is truly good. Though our wealth of knowledges and experiences, we deliver delicious, safe and high quality food products around the world to your table. Especially, when it comes to fresh vegetables and fruits, poor distribution systems can easily damage their qualities. Many food products that were produced with the highest care by the producers are not able to reach where they are truly needed. That is the sad reality. Some other food and beverage products that are already abundantly available in the market, are just consumed without being understood their full potentials. Under the global economy, and with the growth of developing countries, food products will be increasingly distributed borderless.President Naoharu Ochiai
代表取締役 落合 尚温
President Naoharu Ochiai
会社概要 Corporate Profile
社名 Company Name | 株式会社GIA GIA Co. Ltd. | |
設立 Founded | 2015年8月18日 18 August 2015 | |
資本金 Capital | 100万円 1 million yen | |
代表者President | 代表取締役 落合尚温Naoharu Ochiai | |
従業員数No. of Employees | 2名2 Persons | |
事業内容 |
食品・お酒・生鮮フルーツの輸入卸 営業コンサルティング 海外食品メーカーのマーケティング及び販売代理業 - Import wholesale of foods, alcoholic beverages and fresh fruits - Sales consulting - Overseas food products marketing / distribution in Japan |
所在地Location |
[ 本社 ] 〒340-0815 埼玉県八潮市八潮6-11-47 TEL. 048-997-9130 FAX. 048-948-6626 [ Headquarters ] 6-11-47, Yashio, Yashio-shi, Saitama 340-0815, Japan |
[ 出張所 ] 〒143-0001 東京都大田区東海3-2-6 東京都中央卸売市場大田市場内 株式会社松正内 [ Branch Office ] Matsusho Co. Ltd., Ota Market, Tokyo Metropolitan Central Wholesale Market, 3-2-6, Toukai, Ota-ku, Tokyo 143-0001, Japan |
取引銀行Bank |
三井住友銀行 草加支店 埼玉りそな銀行 八潮支店 Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Soka Branch Saitama Risona Bank, Yashio Branch |
GIAの事業内容 Our Business
Consulting貿 易
TradeGIAの仕組みOur Structure
GIAの強みOur Strength
テキーラ輸入販売事業Business of Tequila
アボカド輸入販売事業Business of Avocado
その他輸入販売事業Business of Others